Autoimmune conditions & Yoga

In this episode of the Yoga Medicine® Podcast we discuss our top tips for yoga as a therapeutic tool for autoimmunity. Whether you teach yoga, or whether you live with an autoimmune condition, you’ll find this helpful.

Unlocking the Power of Yoga as Medicine

Does modern healthcare need an ancient wellness revolution? YES! Find out how and why yoga can pave the way in this episode of The Revitalising Doctor .

Yoga for Scleroderma

Discover the benefits of yoga and myofascial release for scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) and experience a chair yoga practice to embody the experience.

Holistic Care in Scleroderma

Watch this 40 minute discussion about wholeperson care in Scleroderma, focussing on medications, fatigue management and mental wellbeing, delivered in partn with Scleroderma Support & Education NZ Trust

Yoga for Pain Management in Arthritis and Lupus

Join me in this informative and practical session as we explore how yoga helps in pain management in arthritis and lupus.

You will be introduced to some of the scientifically-proven tools, and have the opportunity to participate in a short guided practice.

In partnership with Arthritis NZ.

Yoga for Arthritis - online class in partnership with Arthritis NZ

If you are curious about trying yoga for arthritis or pain, here is your chance to participate in a safe, supported class from the comfort of your own home.