Nikki Tugnet Nikki Tugnet

The “Toxic Stress” Theory

Chronic fatigue is increasing.

Autoimmune disease is increasing.

We are living longer today compared with 100 years ago so why aren’t we living better?

Why is autoimmunity on the rise?

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Nikki Tugnet Nikki Tugnet

Are You Sclero-aware?

Let’s talk about Scleroderma, also known as systemic sclerosis. Scleroderma is a rare, incurable, autoimmune connective tissue disease that affects connective tissues and blood vessels, resulting in fibrosis and thickening of the skin, as well as damage to internal organs.

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Nikki Tugnet Nikki Tugnet

Seasonal Shifts: The Health Benefits of Yin Yoga

Have you noticed the air turning chilly, the leaves falling from the trees and the nights getting longer?

The seasonal transition from summer to autumn is here for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere.

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Nikki Tugnet Nikki Tugnet

What does self-care mean to you?


A curious concept with different definitions and descriptions.

Is it going for a massage or manicure? Is it going to a yoga class? Is it something you do when life feels a bit overwhelming, or when you’ve had a rough week at work?


Is Self-Care your philosophy, your way of life?

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Nikki Tugnet Nikki Tugnet

Why is everyone tired?

Endlessly “powering through” the stresses and demands of life these last few years has left many of us unable to recognise that we are actually chronically stressed, stuck in that fight-or-flight, high cortisol existence.

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